Why Choose Globetec Asset Managers?

Questions & Answers

  • Who is Globetec Asset Managers?

    We are a leading provider of investment management services, offering a wide range of products and services to meet the needs of individual and institutional investors. We are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of service and expertise, and we strive to help them achieve their financial goals.

  • Is Globetec Asset Managers a registered and regulated firm?

    Yes, Globetec is a registered asset management firm and operates under the regulations set forth by The Capital Markets Authority and The Retirements Benefit Authority. We adhere to strict industry standards to ensure the highest level of professionalism and compliance.

  • How does Globetec address risk in investment portfolios?

    Risk management is a fundamental aspect of our investment strategy. Globetec conducts thorough risk assessments, diversifies portfolios across asset classes, and employs risk mitigation strategies to protect and preserve our clients' wealth.

  • What are some common myths about investing?

    There are many myths and misconceptions about investing. It is important to understand these myths so that you can make informed investment decisions. Here are a few common investment myths:
    Myth: You need a lot of money to start investing.
    Fact: You can start investing with any amount of money. In fact, it is often better to start investing early with a small amount of money than to wait until you have a large amount of money to invest.
    Myth: Investing is risky.
    Fact: Investing does involve risk. However, there are ways to mitigate risk, such as diversifying your portfolio. Over the long term, investing has historically outperformed other asset classes, such as cash and savings accounts.

  • What are some tips for managing investment risk?

    * Diversify your portfolio. This means investing in different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities.
    * Rebalance your portfolio regularly. This means selling assets that have grown in value and buying assets that have declined in value, to maintain your target asset allocation.
    * Invest for the long term. Don't try to time the market.