Globetec Asset Managers is a fund manager licensed by the Kenyan Capital Markets Authority and is currently awaiting approval from the Retirement Benefits Authority to provide asset management services to the retirement fund sector.



Globetec is affiliated to regulated and licensed asset management and fund administration companies, Quantec Capital Management and TDF Fund Administrators, based in South Africa. Senior management have a collective 45 years of experience in asset management and fund administration in Kenya, South Africa, United Kingdom, Europe and USA.

Total Group Assets Under Management and Administration exceeded KES4.2 billion* as at 30 June 2019.

*US Dollar/Kenyan Shilling ER – 102





Globetec is a quantitative investment manager with an exclusive focus upon achieving client required returns through a combination of asset allocation, diversification and innovative product introduction to de-risk an investment portfolio while ensuring required returns are achieved on a consistent basis with a high level of conviction and limited volatility.


  • Benchmark against Client Required Return
  • Asset Diversification & Allocation Classes
  • De-Risk & Enhance Returns
  • ​Innovation and Alternate Products


  • Benchmark against Asset Class & Peer Returns
  • Stock-Picking, Market-Timing & Limited Asset Diversification
  • Increase Risk to Enhance Returns
  • Limited to Traditional Asset Classes



​We don’t believe that investment performance relative to a benchmark index or peer group is relevant to a client’s requirements or objectives. Losing less money than an index or a peer is not a meaningful measure of success. We understand that clients have return targets while needing to protect capital. Our portfolios are designed to do both.

By understanding a client’s requirements, we construct portfolios with diversified asset allocation and innovative structures to achieve the required return with a high level of conviction.



We use quantitative techniques and processes to arrive at all investment decisions. This systematic approach is the genetic code that underpins our entire investment philosophy and process. We believe it is the only way to produce consistent returns and avoid human emotion or bias in decision-making.

​The primary driver of investment performance is asset allocation and meaningful diversification. Our portfolios are constructed in risk space with dynamic asset allocation and efficient underlying building blocks for each asset class. We do not stock-pick, speculate or attempt to time the markets. We are active asset allocators investing passively into asset classes.



​Traditional asset classes such as equities, bonds and property are fundamental building blocks for multi-asset portfolios. However, they introduce risk and a high level of uncertainty. Traditional portfolio construction techniques have also disappointed – a fresh approach is urgently needed.

​Systematic factors driving the Kenyan equity and bond markets can result in unacceptable levels of risk. Our goal is to increase the certainty of investment outcomes without compromising expected return. We achieve this by diversifying beyond local assets and using innovative structures for attractive upside potential while simultaneously protecting capital.

​Globetec does not complain about the markets or play the blame game. We are paid to achieve an outcome.





Making sound decisions today to ensure a secure financial future for you and your family is never easy and finding the right partner for that journey is essential. At Quantec Asset Managers we understand this – we have the expertise, insight and global reach to make sense of the world of investments and deliver a world-class service focused exclusively on your needs.

​Our Private Wealth division provides investment services for private clients with a dedicated portfolio manager and access to a range of traditional investments plus new and innovative investment solutions. You can be assured of a high level of personal service tailored to your requirements with regular reporting and feedback.

​Whether your objective is to receive a regular income, protect your capital from inflation, reduce risk and/or enhance returns on an existing portfolio, Quantec will construct a personalised solution for you that includes risk management through diversification  with capital protection and return enhancement.

We offer our Private Wealth clients the following services normally only available to large institutional investors:

  • Fixed Income Portfolio Management; and
  • Global Multi-Asset Portfolio Management

Fixed Income Securities, also known as Bonds, are debt instruments issued by governments or corporations to raise long-term capital to finance projects. They provide investors with a secure regular income plus the opportunity for capital growth if sold before maturity at a market value higher than the initial investment.

Multi-Asset Portfolio Management is a holistic wealth management service that comprises full discretionary management of clients’ portfolios with our unique and innovative portfolio construction process across multiple asset classes, regions and currencies to achieve clients’ investment objectives.